Umbraco 9/10 + Azure Cheat Sheet

Umbraco 9/10 + Azure Cheat Sheet

Carl Rasmus Wriedt Bønnebæk

When deploying Umbraco 9/10 to Azure, there are a few funny things that might happen.

- Umbraco wants to Install after deployment to azure.


Umbraco wants to Install after deployment to azure.

If this is a clean install this is expected, but most likely you added your local database to azure, and then deployed the site via Publish profile or via Github Actions (or another ci/cd tool).

So basically, Umbraco cannot connect to the database. The following things is a good checklist.

  • Did you remember to add the connectionstring umbracoDbDSN to you azure web app config.
  • Is the username and password correct (test locally) - PS: Remember to create a user specific for that webapp
  • Does your azure web app actually have the ability to connect to the Azure SQL Server (Under network you can configure that this SQL server can be accessed by other Azure ressources). I Reccomend running a private virtual network, but this will do for now.

This should do the trick, so Umbraco will actually launch. :)


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